Welcome to the
Haven Middle School PTA
Welcome Rising 6th Grade Families and New Families to Haven!
See what Haven is all about in this video!
Now's the time to join our FB page for the 2024-2025 school year! https://www.facebook.com/groups/938449433171854
Be sure you are on our email list! If you are not coming from one of our elementary feeder schools, please complete this form to be placed on our Eblast list. If you are coming from Lincolnwood, Willard, Orrington or Kinglsey, your contact info will be uploaded automatically so no need to complete the form. Any questions please email havendirectory2417@gmail.com.
Please feel free to email the Haven PTA with any questions: havenptsa@gmail.com
Upcoming Dates
Aug 21: Welcome Back to School Event - 4:30p-6:30p at Haven
Aug 22: First Day of School for Students (K-8) 📆
Sept 2: Labor Day – No School
Sept 10: School Picture Day
Sept 18: School Improvement (No School)
Mission Statement ~ Estado de la misión
To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
Hacer realidad el potencial de cada niño mediante la participación y el empoderamiento de las familias y comunidades para defender a todos los niños.